Published inTDS ArchiveUsing OrgChartJS to visualize 8 generations — 160+ relatives — in my family treeApplying coding skills to personally meaningful projects. Technologies covered: OrgChartJS, JavaScript/React, MongoDB, and Heroku.Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveTimeSeries Data Munging — Lagging Variables that are Distributed Across Multiple Groups# Concepts: TimeSeries, Method Chaining, GroupBy, Lagged columns, and Index manipulationJan 13, 20192Jan 13, 20192
Published inTDS ArchiveSeven Clean Steps To Reshape Your Data With Pandas Or How I Use Python Where Excel FailsConcepts: multi-level indexing, pivoting, stacking, apply, lambda, and list-comprehensionNov 17, 201714Nov 17, 201714
I just completed Udacity’s Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree, here’s what I think of it…Two weeks ago, I completed and submitted my capstone project for the Udacity Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree Program, so I would like…Oct 19, 2017Oct 19, 2017